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    Laser Vein Treatment

    Laser Vein Treatment

    Laser Vein Treatment

    Laser Vein care is a trusted method in helping to alleviate unsightly leg veins. At Dr. Jay's Laser
    Medi Spa we strive for excellent results and patient care on a daily basis. If you are concerned with leg
    veins then it wouldn't hurt to come in for a complimentary consultation. We tailor each and every treatment plan to specifically fit the needs
    of our valued patients.

    How does Laser Vein Therapy work?

    The Hemoglobin molecules in our blood cells are red and blue enabling the laser energy to be absorbed by them. When this happens, a small amount of heat travels through the lining of the vein in turn causing it to shrink and become less apparent visually. This treatment can be done in conjunction with Sclerotherapy to help aid in a smoother, clearer looking appearance in the leg area.

    How long do the results last?

    The longevity of results is dependent on the patient. Although this is an excellent treatment for spider veins, it is not a cure. Follow up treatments may be recommended by your provider.

    Benefits of Laser Vein Treatment

    • Laser therapy is a safe, time-proven procedure that causes little, if any discomfort.
    • Treatments provide an overall improvement in the appearance of surface veins.
    • There is no downtime.
    • Patients can immediately resume work and almost all normal activities.


    Discuss with us and your primary physician your exact medication list prior to stopping, but typically avoid your blood thinners (such as aspirin, ibuprofen, alcohol, omegas, flaxseed oil, fish oil, vitamin D3, and vitamin E) for 3-5 days prior to your treatment.

    How do I get started?

    Getting started is as easy as a phone call! (714) 832-2222 One of our caring team members is standing by to speak with you. Don't let unsightly leg veins get in the way of feeling and looking your best.